
lolol just playin me sum wii sportz... OH CRAP! THE WII-MOTE JUST BUSTED MY TV WTFTV?!?!1?!!111111!!!1!!!111!ELEVEN

Hey lookie here! Today is very special, kids. I brought you all some nice fresh baked cookie :D

Just lick the screen and you'll get that delicious taste of your possibly dead grandma's fresh cookies that she bought from the store. If you were expecting fresh baked cookies, well tough luck. My grandma never made me cookies. She only bought them. My grandma... never...never..made me...COOKIES *cries* :(

Well, anyway, just a few minutes ago we checked our mail. And a while back I ordered some wii-mote jackets from the Nintendo store (they're free, so I ordered three of them :D ) and they just came in. Look what the name is:

Lepy TheDinosuar.
I just had to laugh at that. it sounds so much like a joke name lol.

If you don't know what wii jackets are, I took some pictures.

They go over your Wii remote as a grip because Nintendo kept on getting sued because the Wii remotes would fly off your hand and into your TV. The Wii remote jacket has sort of a puffy top so if the remote does slip off your hand, It'll take a softer blow into your TV.

Don't think the Wii remote can really break a TV?

I would also like to introduce the some-not-official nunchuck jacket:

OK, that was a fail idea. But lets see you do better.

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