
I have solved the phone problem

Yes, phone problem solved.

Remember that old post I made about my phone being a putrid piece of crap?
And the new one will be a putrid piece of of crap with barf all over it?

Well I have the solution!

I went to Verizon's free camera phone list.

I saw good ones and ugly ones including the one the rest of my family has (except Sam, my brother)

The first one on the list was the Samsung Juke!

Now THAT is better than a pile of crap.

But, I renew my phone contract in January of 2009.
I have to PRAY that the Juke will stay on the list.

The worst thing is a few moths back, they gave away a free chocolate :(

BTW, this is the list.

Click Here

The thing is, my dad only likes Motorola phones, so I might be getting the 2nd to last one.
But that's only if there's no justice in the world.

Hey, it's better than that last gay phone that the rest of my family has.
Plus, it's free :)

I like free things.

I like them alot eheheh

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